This is the Age of Video…

If ever there was a time to use video production, this is it. More than ever, people across the world carry the means of production, distribution and consumption in their pocket. Cell Phone technology is at such a level that major brands are using cell phone cameras to create content.

But, just because a person owns a hammer, doesn’t mean they have the skills to build a house. Just because you can drop $20,000 dollars and walk away with a decent kit of video gear doesn’t mean you know how to use it.

I am a strong supporter of empowering people and businesses to create their own content. That being said, I also understand the time and skill it takes to do it right. If you’d like some consultation to get you on the right track, or are looking for someone to execute your vision, let’s get in touch.

I am currently working with a number of clients to bring their vision to reality. From businesses to non-profits — social media to television — I enjoy working in a range of mediums and messaging.

One of the strengths I offer as a Creative Director is my ongoing collaboration with Olive Group LLC out of Tacoma, WA. Olive Group is a Strategic marketing Agency, set up to help their clients discover how best to connect with their customers.

Below are some examples of my work in video: